Okay, so I had a couple of posts lamenting the lack of good vegan slogans and decided to come up with a few more, but I think a separate page is in order. So here I'll list the ones I know, the ones I find, the ones I make up, and the ones you would like to contribute. Now I'm not saying they'll all be great (and a number of them aren't), but ya gotta start somewhere, no?
(last updated March 13, 2011, April 12, 2020, April 22, 2023)
Consider this a work in progress:
- I'm Vegan - Bite Me
- I Think, Therefore I'm Vegan
- Veganism - Saving Millions One Bite At A Time
- Have A Heart - Go Vegan
- What Would Jesus Eat Today?
- Save Billions - Be Vegan
- Change What You Eat - Change The World
- Every Bite Counts - Be Vegan
- or (Make Every Bite Count - Go Vegan)
- Go Greener - Go Vegan
- If You Wouldn't Eat A Cat, Why Eat A Cow?
- Go Vegan - It's The Right Thing To Do
- Even Cows Don't Drink Milk - So Why Would You?
- Vegans Taste Better
- Be Human AND Humane
- Practise Compassion - Go Vegan
- or (Choose Compassion - Go Vegan)
- YOU Have A Choice, They Don't - Be Vegan
- Vegans Unite!
- Born Again Vegan
- Vegans Save Lives
- Food For Thought - Vegan For Life
- Veganism - The Only Ethical Choice
- Go Vegan - Or I May Have To Kill You (kidding!)
- Go Vegan - Or I'll Eat You (still kidding, I think?)
- Vegan For A Reason
- Planet Earth Is For ALL Of Us
- Have Gone Vegan
- Why Am I Vegan? Why Are You Not?
- I'm Vegan, But I Don't Worship Tom, Dick OR Gary (snort)
- Humane Slaughter Is An Oxymoron
- Real Men Don't Hunt
- Animals Are Not Ours To Eat
- Eating Other Animals? I Just Can't Stomach It
- Why I'm Vegan? Google Factory Farming
- Would You Eat Human Eggs?
- Real Humans Don't Kill Non-Humans
- Don't Have A Cow - And I Mean That Literally!
- Vegan For Life
- Be Part Of The Vegan Revolution!
- Be Part Of The Vegan Solution, Not The Problem
- Give Peas A Chance - Go Veg!
- Go Vegan - It's The Christian Thing To Do
- Be Vegan, Be Mine
- Don't Eat Eggs - It's Stealing
- Vote With Your Fork
- Keep Calm and Vegan On (my favourite one right now)
- I'm Vegan (see post)
Ha, I've already had a couple of contributions! Keep 'em coming:
- Don't Eat Anything That Once Had A Face
- Lactose Intolerant? Become Cruelty Intolerant - Go Vegan!
- Vegans Choose (submitted by CJ)
- Real Men Drink Beer, Not Milk (submitted by Susmitha - Veganosaurus)
- Got Pus? (submitted by Susmitha - Veganosaurus)
- Scrambled Chicken Periods? No Thank You (submitted by Susmitha - Veganosaurus)
- I'm Vegan And I Love It! (submitted by a new vegan)
- Compassion Is Not An Occasional Act: It's A Permanent Attitude (submitted by Funny Motivational Speaker)
- I Don't Feel Superior Because I'm Vegan, I'm Vegan Because I Don't Feel Superior (submitted by Vicki)
- Love Life. Go Vegan (submitted by Vegan ERJ)
- YOLO Try Vegan! (submitted by Vegan ERJ)
- Peace Begins On Your Plate. Go Vegan (submitted by Vegan ERJ)
- Not Your Mom, Not Your Milk (submitted by Vegan ERJ)
- Meat Is Murder & Dairy Is Rape (submitted by Vegan ERJ)
- I Could Never Be Vegan - every vegan before they went vegan (submitted by a follower)
- Eating More Vegetables Won't Make You One (submitted by Make It Vegan)
- check out a WHOLE BUNCH in the comments below kindly submitted by Julie - make sure you scroll all the way down and click on "Show more comments..."
Which ones do you like? Have a few to contribute? I'm going to keep working on these, so check back often!
Um, I'm gonna highlight current favourites. :)
If you enjoyed this post, please share. And until next time, Keep Calm and Vegan On.