To avoid the risk of repeating myself, I've compiled a list of the Thanksgiving posts I've written over the years from oldest to newest, so that you can choose which, if any, you'd like to reread. And the fact that I've posted about this holiday more than any other indicates how off-putting I find the notion of giving thanks by taking away life.
Other holidays too are incongruous for celebrating birth (Christmas) and resurrection (Easter) by killing living creatures, but the hypocrisy of Thanksgiving strikes me as being even more unjust (can't we express gratitude in a less violent way?), perhaps also because more people likely partake of this holiday than the others.
I really wish a movement would take place to reevaluate how Thanksgiving would best be celebrated. And just as 14 U.S. states, the district of Columbia, and more than 130 cities now celebrate Indigenous People's Day instead of Columbus Day, I wish more Canadians would become aware of the colonial history of Monday's holiday.
So, here are eight posts (4 October Canadian ones and 4 November American ones) from the past:
2008 - turkey talk
2010 - turkeys belong in fields not on plates
2011 - the fowl/foulness of thanksgiving
2012 - thanksliving
2015 - some food for thought for thanksgiving
2016 - how to get through thanksgiving without killing anyone ;)
2017 - have you met cornelius the wonder turkey yet?
2020 - thanksgiving/taking, it's gotta change however you pronounce it