While it's easy to get down by the seemingly constant barrage of negative news (even more so when you're vegan), being grateful for the things that you have and for the things that go right is a good practice to cultivate. Not only is it an effective coping tool and a pleasant way to increase your awareness of joyfulness, I believe it's what we owe for the privilege of being a guest on planet Earth.
(Having said that, I must admit I positively enjoyed Barbara Ehrenreich's skillful skewering of the positive thinking movement in her insightful and often funny Bright-Sided.)
New Vegan Age made some great observations three days ago about four reasons to feel grateful in 2013 (including our veganism, our past, our present, and our future), but what I thought I'd do here is list a few specific things that I'm personally grateful for. Please add to the list, or make up your own! Oh, and in case you're wondering about the series of one-liner posts that I ran these past six days, they're leading up to a summary post planned for tomorrow.
15 Vegan Things I'm Grateful For:
- Daiya cheese (I now think of my life as BDC and ADC, snort)
- the online vegan community (where would I be without you?)
- Mercy for Animals Canada! (their segment on W5 reached millions)
- Vegenaise (cuz toasted tomato sandwiches wouldn't be the same otherwise)
- organizations like Vegan Outreach (it's not too late to donate)
- vegan friends (a struggle shared...)
- my kitty girl Kazumi Joy (okay, she's not vegan, but helped me become one)
- a host of vegan books like Vegan's Daily Companion, Vegan for Life, and what I'm reading now: Aftershock: Confronting Trauma in a Violent World, a Guide for Activists and Their Allies
- foods that were already vegan to begin with (beans and oranges and apples, oh my)
- positive reactions to my vegan tees (one teenage girl got so excited by my "food is to eat, animals are to love" tee that she made everyone in the check-out line check it out!)
- my 5-year vegan anniversary this coming summer (I'll be celebrating!)
- any person I've been able to help or inspire on this blog (thank YOU)
- French Vanilla Silk soy beverage for coffee (my coffee thanks IT)
- animal rescues and animal sanctuaries everywhere
- increased vegan awareness at large
- and on and on I could go, yo
- add yours! :)
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Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so let us all be thankful. --Buddha