I had especially wanted to start 2011 with keeping my first resolution of posting more frequently. But of course a family emergency popped up January 2 (which while still ongoing has thankfully become somewhat more manageable*), and thus no new post until now. And I WAS going to compile a vegan wish list today, but then remembered a couple of resolutions I forgot to include in my last post. So, I also resolve:
- to contact figures like David Suzuki, Oprah, and Dr. Oz because like it or not, these folk (and celebrities in general) can influence more people than you or I
- to order Would Jesus Eat Meat Today? for all the churches in my town
- to speak up and out more often with family and friends about why I'm vegan
- to avoid burnout by spending time on my other passions too e.g. Pyrex! :)
* unfortunately has slid over to unmanageable again, but I hope to be back soon...
If you enjoyed this post, please share. And until next time, Keep Calm and Vegan On.