- what does being vegan mean to me?
- am I vegan enough? who gets to decide?
- who gets to define veganism? abolitionism?
- is it more important to me to be right, or more important to be effective?
- how do I know that my advocacy IS effective?
- is it even possible to change anyone else's behaviour?
- is there any point in having a blog if I'm only preaching to the converted?
- is there anything that would stop me from being a vegan?
- what can I do to keep myself motivated in being an activist?
- what can I do to prevent burnout?
- what would a vegan world actually look like?
- what progress do I see happening? what's working? what gives me hope?
There are of course no right questions, just as there are no right answers, but are there other (and probably better) questions that YOU ask yourself?
If you enjoyed this post, please share. And until next time, Keep Calm and Vegan On.