I don't drink a lot of coffee, but when I do, I want to enjoy it to the fullest. That meant, before I became vegan, half and half cream. The best alternative that I've found so far is Soy Silk for Coffee. But unfortunately, only one store carries it in the small town I've moved to, and as it's not within walking distance it has to be picked up for me. (I asked one store who carries Earth Balance to stock it, but they said no.) So, I decided to try the items I photographed on the left with the following results.
Rice Dream? Not much of a dream for me. Too watery in the coffee (which I tend to make strong anyway), and it turned my oatmeal to glue. Next, I tried Almond Breeze, which also proved to be too watery, although better with my oatmeal and I didn't mind the flavour. Finally, I used coconut milk. I have to admit I normally detest coconut, but surprisingly I quite liked the taste and it had a nice creamy texture as well. But, it completely curdled my coffee! Although it kind of looked curdled in the can already so maybe it had gone bad? So back to Soy Silk I guess although I hate bothering people to get it for me, or take regular soymilk (not as good) when I run out. What about you? What do you use?